
Have a product, painting, document, photograph, negative, or other item that needs digitized? We handle and treat every item according to guidelines outlined by the Library of Congress and Smithsonian Museum in order to give you the most professional digital rendering of your item.

Printed Photograph, Slide/Negative, & Item Digitalization

Each item that arrives to us is handled carefully and gently. We handle and treat every printed photographer or negative according to guidelines outlined by the Library of Congress and Smithsonian Museum in order to give you the most professional digital rendering of your item.

We can convert the following to a digital file:

  • 35mm Slides & Negatives
  • 127 (1.5×1.5″) 
  • 126KPK 
  • 110
  • APS Slides & Negatives
  • 120/220 Negatives
  • Larger/Odd Size Negatives (contact for details)

Each negative/slide is $0.99 each for the first 100 high resolution JPEG images. This price includes the digital download. Bulk pricing available.

Higher resolution 1200 dpi uncompressed TIFF image downloads available for $5.50 each. Bulk pricing available.

Note: We do not develop film, we can only make files from developed negatives.

Photo Restorations

Photographs record the memories of precious moments and loved ones, but with time they become faded or may even be damaged. Photo restorations are performed in copy form. The original photo is digitalized and then repaired by digital artists.

Simple photo restorations can provide the following:
($0.99 to $30.00 depending on severity of restoration)
– Dust/Spot Removal
– Enhancement (Contrast, Saturation, etc.)
– Minor Damage Repair

Enhanced photo restorations can provide the following:
($30.00 to $60.00 depending on severity of restoration)
– Color Enhancement
– Dust Removal
– Damage Repair
– Red Eye Removal
– Restore to Black & White (from faded/sepia tone)